  Lights & Sound

   [email protected]      

Electric Airplane

Zenneck Surface Wave
C-17 Globemaster III
OOPS !!!
Don't Buy Tickets To This Barbecue 
 Perfect Time for that Getaway Vacation !
Equation by DR. MICHO KAKU
**  String Theory Equation  **
      What is beneath our feet ?

  Don't Buy Tickets to This Barbecue
Check Out My New Crossover SUV
  1050 Metric Ton Lift !
     Be Careful, " There Is Danger @ Your Door ".  Greatful Dead
If You Painted This Contact ME 
Check Your Hand Held Device...Hmmmm??    Perhaps we're walking in circles.
I Think we might have past this way before, a long way back …. Hmmmmm  ??
  We Will Always Have The Internet,  AI & Robots to Help Us !           Hmmmm   Unless they Run AMUK....  OH MY ??
  Nothing Like A Little R & R In  Your Fav Crossover Sport Utility Vehicle   :)
                     Perhaps A Nice Sea Voyage ???   

 And Once We Had The Power of Electricity & The ATOM Harnessed 

          To Everything there is a Season
   And a Time for every purpose under Heaven
Stone Masons Wanted
Must Have Own Tools
   How R U       Today